Modern approaches in the financial control can have a significant impact on increasing profitability
Budget & Planning
As the regulatory demands become increasingly complex, preparation of adequate plans/budgets becomes a necessity in the time where economic cycles are noticeably shortening. In this context, adequate risk management includes accurate plans for the development of key risk indicators. Our services include the establishment of the planning process considering the quality of credit portfolio and the LCR indicators. The level of details is tailored to the complexity of business activities and management needs for adequate monitoring of business results on one side as well as the risk level on the other.
Regulatory reporting
Constant evolution of Basel standards has imposed the challenge of adequate distribution of funds and resources participating in development of internal systems, due to a need of additionally monitoring liquidity through 2 new ratios (Basel III). We are here to help you to determine the need for development of information systems for monitoring new regulatory ratios; how to prepare for a new way of monitoring credit and operational risk due to the introduction of Standardized Measurement Approach (SMA) and their impact on capital requirements.
Capital management
U svetlu razvoja bazelskih standarda kapital postaje oskudan resurs koji zahteva konstantno i adekvatno upravljanje. Novi regulatorni zahtevi povećavaju pritiske za dokapitalizacijom. Identifikacija materijalno značajnih rizika za banke postaje potreba bez koje nije moguće očuvati nivoe kapitala na zahtevanom nivou. Naša uloga je: da vam pružimo podršku u pripremi metodologije i matrice za utvrđivanje materijalno značajnih rizika, uz ostvarivanje neophodne veze između biznis i risk strategije sa vašim apetitom za rizike; razvoj metodologija za stres testiranje i sveobuhvatni pregled i unapređenje ICAAP procesa; ostvarivanje ušteda kroz optimizaciju interno raspoloživog kapitala po tipovima rizika; pregled obračuna rizikom ponderisane aktive i predlozi za moguće uštede, integracija ICAAP u proces odlučivanja i upravljanja; sve u cilju planiranja kapitala uzimajući u obzir nove regulatorne zahteve.